Who is Feed My Starving Children
Founded in 1987, FMSC is a Christian nonprofit dedicated to seeing every child whole in body and spirit. You will hear us say again and again: “We want to reach everyone, until ALL are fed.” We truly mean this. This means reaching the hard-to-reach people and places, the “least of these”. They will be found, and they will be fed.
FMSC has had a 4-Star Charity Navigator Rating for 18 years straight!
Every year millions of children die from preventable causes such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and under-nutrition. It is estimated that at least 6,200 children die each day from causes related to under-nutrition. Feed My Starving Children has worked hard to create meals that truly meet the needs of starving people. FMSC meals are developed by food science and nutrition professionals to supplement nutritional needs and reduce problems with malnutrition. This food helps children grow, thrive, and develop to their full potential.

FMSC’s first food formula, MannaPack Rice contains rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, and vitamins. It is an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates, and key nutrients culturally acceptable worldwide for anyone over the age of 1. Each bag contains 6 meals.
We have been providing food for the last 18 years and we will pack again in 2025!
FMSC Food Distribution
Feed My Starving Children food is distributed to starving children regardless of faith affiliation.
Meals are shipped to 70 countries and 99.8% of the meals reach their intended destination!
4,314,003,298 meals shipped as of April 2024.
FMSC uses a great network of humanitarian and mission organizations to get the food to the people who really need it.
Partners pay the shipping costs and get the food through customs.
Food is distributed to schools, orphanages, medical clinics, and feeding programs in
Africa, Asia, Caribbean,
Central & North America Europe, the Middle East, and South America.
It Works
When organizations don't have to spend resources getting food, they can focus on teaching, purchasing medical supplies, and so much more.
Children who aren't hungry can focus at school and dream about their future.
Learn More
To learn more about FMSC go to their website fmsc.org.
For Information on their food, partners, sustainability, and more visit their Impact page