Frequently Asked Questions

Our most common questions and answers are below.
If you have an uncommon question, email us using our contact form.
Note: Our FAQ will be updated if there are MobilePack procedure changes.
How do I register for the pack?
When registration opens you will see a link on Home page of this website. Click the link and you will be directed to our registration website. Registration for the 2025 pack is expected to open on Monday February 24, 2025 at 8:00am.
How many people can I register for a shift?
You may register from 1 to 40 people. If you have a group larger than 40, please contact us. We will do the registration for you.
Can I register for more than one shift?
Yes, you can select multiple shifts on the registration page.
I want to pack but the shift I want is full.
We have a waitlist website where you can sign-up. We will contact you if we have an opening. You will have 24 hours to accept the opening once we notify you.
Is there an age limit to pack?
You must be 5 years old to participate. Bring at least 1 adult for each 5 children under the age of 11. 1 adult per 9 children for middle school and high school students. There must be one adult at each station to seal the bags.
What do I wear?
Wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes. Jewelry is not allowed in the packing room so leave watches, loose rings, necklaces, brooches, earrings etc. at home. If you have a wedding ring you can’t get off, then you must wear a glove while in the packing room.
If you have a necklace or bracelet etc. that you never remove due to personal reasons (e.g. it was given to you by your great grandma, or has some religious significance) then please do not come to the pack. If you need more information about the jewelry rules, please contact us via our contact page.
Are there jobs for people who can't stand for 2 hours?
Yes, there are some sit-down jobs which are just as important as the standing jobs.
When do I arrive?
Arrive 30 minutes before your shift begins. We will check you in and give you that flattering hairnet. Training for the pack begins right on time!
Can I bring more volunteers than I had in my registration?
You can bring a friend or two but if you are bringing more than that, we would appreciate if you would let us know before you arrive. Knowing ahead of time helps us make certain all the packing tables are filled with volunteers.
If I have already been through the orientation do I have to repeat it?
Yes, even those who have packed for years need to go through the orientation.
Is there a cost to volunteer at the pack?
There is no cost to volunteer, however each person will pack over $62 worth of food. If you want to help with the cost of the food please bring a donation to the pack or donate online.
What if I have to cancel?
You can cancel your registration online or contact us using our contact form,or call 314-413-1230. If you are cancelling while the pack is on-going, please call rather than email so we are sure to know you aren’t coming.
What if I don't feel good the day of my shift?
If you are experiencing any symptoms related to Covid-19 or just don’t feel well, PLEASE STAY HOME. We will miss you but don’t want you around the food.
How do I donate?
You can donate online or by check. Go to our Donate page for all the details.